The Sweet Life Alumni
Successful Adoptions
These are only a few successful rehoming stories. There are many more cats that we get adopted out through a rescue partner in the area; over 100 chickens we got adopted which came from a horrific hoarding situation in Brooklyn; ducks also from NYC which got transferred to our rescue partner Duckberry Waterfowl Sanctuary near Utica, NY; and even a bunny that was rescued from NYC.

Nicki & Kenny
Together with Harry & Sally as well as Stella & Daisy were rescued from a kill pen when they were just babies.
They recovered and thrived here at the Rescue and got adopted by a family with 4 kids.

Stella & Daisy
Stella and Daisy were rescued from a Kill Pen in Louisiana and transported to the Ranch in July '21. They were nurtured to health and proper weight and got adopted to a beautiful pasture in neighboring Gilbertsville in May '22.

Ella's Puppies
Ella had 7 puppies on May 01, 2021 just a month after she was rescued. All 7 puppies were rehomed in the area.

Turtle's Kittens
Turtle the cat came to us as an abandoned cat in July '22 and 3 days later gave birth to 7 kittens. 5 of them were rehomed by October. One of them, Pauli, is still looking for their Furever home.

Lilly came into the Rescue in early 2021 when her owner changed their mind on having cats. She was only 4 months old. Lilly is the absolute sweetest girl who likes nothing more than to cuddle with her human. After getting adopted in Nov 2022 and then returned 6 months later due to family issues, Lilly has now finally found her Forever home.

Tommy aka Leo, the miniature lion
Leo came here in fall of 2023 after his owner had fallen ill and all his animals needed to be rehomed. Leo had to be neutered and we're not sure if it was he still lingering tomcat scent or his sheer size that none of the resident cats liked him, apart from the kittens. Luckily Leo, being such a gorgeous and very sweet boy, got quickly adopted and is now an only cat in his very loving home.

Matilda came into the Rescue in fall 2021 together with her 3 siblings and VERY feral. It took a few months to socialize them, but the effort paid off and Mathilda as well as her brother Hemingway turned into the absolute sweetest love bugs. Matilda got adopted in early 2023 by a young lady who farm sat here in November 2022. Matilda is now a well traveled and very spoiled cat.

Cora is a Louisiana girl who need a new home when her previous owners could no longer care for her. She received her health check and was transported here where she was adopted only a week later by a young local family. Cora is a very happy Border Collie with two young ball kids to service her needs.

Tino came from the auction in spring 2021 together with sweet old Sophia. When Sophia passed Tino, together with the other two mini donkeys Nicki & Kenny, was really grieving. Tino found a fantastic home with another donkey boy in Cooperstown.

2023 Kittens​
One Sunday in October 4 kittens got dropped off, roughly 6 weeks old. Sure enough, them being as adorable and cute as they were, they got adopted quickly.

Sweet senior Chapo who came from us from NYC got adopted locally and is crazy in love with his new mom.

Stevie came to us from NYC ACC with almost no hair at all, incredibly frightened, shut down and sick with CIRDC. Through several vet visits and tests and ultimately a dermatological consult at Cornell a treatment plan was established for Stevie's skin issues.
In February 2024 he was adopted by the best mom he could ever have found.

Molly had found herself at the big scary NYC shelter at only a year old when her parents gave her up. A foster in NJ took her in, fell in love and adopted her. Foster fail is the best kind of fail!

Hemmingway and his three siblings came here completely feral. Even though he was the first one of the four to become friendly and turned into an absolute love bug, it took more than 2 years for him to finally find a loving family to call his own.

Duke came to us early 2024 when his family moved to Florida, couldn't take him and threatened to have him euthanized. He had a horrible infection in his ear which had been neglected for a very long time and at approx. 5 years old was still intact. We immediately found a wonderful foster who took amazing care of him and subsequently foster failed to adopt Duke. He is one lucky boy and happily lives with another dog and a kitty.

Johnny went to the NH SPCA where they have more time/man hours to give him the training that he needs to find a furever home.

Harry & Sally
In June 2021 I bailed Harry and Sally from a Kill Pen in Louisiana and had them shipped to the Rescue Ranch. They were both terrified of people, Sally even more so than Harry. She'd be shaking on her whole body if we'd ever manage to get her into a stall. Thanks to Animal Reiki, lots of patience and even more treats, she's made a great recovery. Harry and Sally are hinnies (pony mom and donkey dad) and cannot handle all the sugar in the grass and are therefore prone to diabetes and foundering (a very painful hoof disease caused by dietary inflammation). They went to the Save Your Ass Long Ears Rescue in western NH who specialize and donkeys.

Coco & Ozzy
Coco and Ozzy came to us in April 2024 from NYC ACC after their owner went into long term hospital care.
This bonded pair went to a wonderful family locally where they get to be spoiled and rule the house.

Caramel came to us at 11 year old with arthritis and dental issues from NYCACC where he was a staff favorite. He was being fostered in Queens where he got to go to a beautiful park every day and made many friends.
Caramel found his forever family through social media in Delaware (State, not County) and they drove all the way to pick him up.
He was renamed Charlie and lives with a twin brother with a wonderful family right on a canal.